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Covid-19 Response

The well-being of our participants and instructors is of utmost importance to us here at API. We know it’s an unpredictable time, but you can count on us to prioritize everyone’s safety — now and always. We’re closely monitoring updates regarding COVID-19 and are taking direction from the CDCWorld Health Organization, and local government agencies of affected areas.

Please check our workshop schedule page to see any cancellations or changes to upcoming events.  


Should we decide to cancel a workshop(s) there are a couple of options regarding your payment. You can have a full refund or the money could be used as a credit to be applied to a future workshop, whichever you prefer.


We will be in touch in the weeks ahead with information on how we are handling workshops in the spring and summer.


Please stay safe!

Covid Cancellation Policy:

If API cancels an event or workshop due to continuing Covid concerns, there will be no cancellation penalty for participants.  You will have the choice of receiving a credit to use for a future event, have the funds moved to the re-scheduled event, or a full refund.  All of our canceled 2020 events are being re-scheduled for 2021, at the 2020 price.  

If you decide to cancel your participation in any event or workshop that is running as scheduled due to personal Covid concerns, you must contact us and make your decision known at least two weeks prior to its start.   If you cancel within two weeks of the event, you will receive a credit towards a future event or workshop.

Covid-19 Workshop Guidelines

Masks are optional for all vaccinated individuals.  Please adhere to any masking recommendations when indoors or when social distancing is not possible.

Social distancing
Social distancing of at least 6 feet is requested at all times possible.


Instructional Sessions
To maintain proper social distance, instructional sessions normally held in meeting rooms, may be done in the field and/or on-line.  On-line sessions would be held through Zoom or Skype.  Participants are asked to download these applications to the computer they'll use at the workshop and become familiar with their use before the workshop.  The instructors can provide guidance on using them and will send invitations to the meetings.


Transportation During Workshops
In accordance with social distancing guidelines, it's likely that participants will use their own vehicles during a workshop.  Consequently, parking limitations may restrict the locations we are able to visit.

Restaurants and other food service providers may still be impacted by Covid-19 restrictions, therefore limiting our meal choices.  Also, we may not eat together in restaurants, but opt for take-out and eat outdoors or in a room large enough for us to social distance as well as in the case of inclement weather. 

Waiver Release
Though the Adirondack Photography Institute and its instructors are taking prudent precautionary steps against the spread of the Covid-19 virus, participants will be required to sign a waiver releasing the Adirondack Photography Institute and the instructors from liability in contacting the Covid-19 virus.  In addition, should a participant or instructor fall ill during the workshop, he or she may be asked to self-quarantine or leave the workshop. 



We make these requests for the safety of our participants and instructors, their family and friends, and ask for everyone's understanding and cooperation.  It is our belief that by all concerned adhering to them we can operate workshops in a responsibly safe manner.  If you aren't comfortable with our requests, including use of a mask and social distancing, or if you become ill before or during a workshop, please contact us to discuss the situation.  Thank you again.

© 2019 The Adirondack Photography Institute. Proudly created with

At this time API is requiring all participants show proof of the Covid-19 vaccination. If you are exempt due to a medical reason, please contact me directly:

© 2019 The Adirondack Photography Institute. Proudly created with

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